Dorking Camera Club est. 1955

‘Guidance, Education, Enjoyment’


1.         PURPOSE

1.1 The Club shall be called Dorking Camera Club. The Club aims to promote:

a) An interest in photography together with producing and presenting photographic images;

b) Participation in club events such as lectures, competitions, distinctions and sharing skills among members;

c) Participation in inter club activities including competitions, exhibitions and learning to improve photographic skills; and

d) Community activities in Dorking, Mole Valley, Surrey and further afield.


2.1 Membership is open to anyone interested in photography

2.2 A person applying for membership is required to complete an application form. The membership secretary will post their name on the Club notice board for the following two meetings, which the applicant is invited to attend. Membership is then confirmed in writing requesting the relevant subscription, subject to there being no objections.

2.4 In the event of five or more members opposing an application, the full committee reserves the right to refuse membership of the club. The full committee also reserves the right to terminate the membership of anyone who is in breach of the rules or acts against the interests of the club. If the committee terminates a membership, no refund of the subscription will be offered.

2.5 Honorary life membership may be conferred on a member and their spouse for outstanding service to the club, or to photography, or for the achievement of an exceptional distinction in photography. Any member may propose to the Committee a nomination for honorary life membership provided it is supported by at least two other members. The spouse of a life member will also be offered life membership if desired. A proposal can only be considered if it is part of the formal agenda of the committee and must receive the unanimous support of the committee to be put to a general meeting for approval by a simple majority of those present.


3.1 The Committee shall, at a Committee meeting prior to the Annual general meeting of the Club, recommend on the advice of the Treasurer, the annual subscription for the following year and should there be any change, it must be approved by a majority of members present at the Annual General Meeting.

3.2 A renewal of membership letter will be sent to all members by August 15th stating the agreed subscription. A PDF copy of the programme will be available via the club web site, this can be printed for members on request. Members joining after February 1stmay have their subscriptions reduced pro-rata at the Treasurer’s discretion.

3.3 Members whose subscriptions have not been received by October 31st shall be considered to have let their membership lapse, but they may rejoin at any time on payment of the subscription.


4.1 The day to day business of the club shall be managed by the committee which will consist of the following officers:

a) The President, who will be regarded as the senior member of the club, and will act as the club’s representative in dealing with non-photographic organizations;

b) The Chairman, who will be responsible for conducting the day to day business of the club and committee meetings, and for coordinating the work of committee members;

c) The Vice Chairman, who will deputise for and assist the Chairman;

d) The Club Secretary, who will be responsible for all correspondence not part of the responsibilities of the Programme or Competition Secretaries, the Treasurer or the Membership Secretary. The Secretary will produce minutes of the general and committee meetings and will maintain the club’s records;

e) The Programme Secretary, who will be responsible for the production of the programme and all the arrangements in it that are not the responsibility of the competition secretary;

f) The Competition Secretary, and or Deputy, who will be responsible for all competitions, internal and external, and all arrangements connected with them which will include managing the receipt of titles, uploading images to the club’s computer and web site, sorting and indexing of images for digital and print competitions, reporting the results of competitions and developing links with regional, national and international events.

g) The Treasurer will be responsible for the handling of the club’s finances, including the collection of subscriptions, the payment of bills, and all correspondence relating to them. The Treasurer will also be responsible for preparing accounts and making periodic reports to the committee.

h) The Membership Secretary, who will be responsible for promoting the club’s activities on a local and national basis including managing applications for membership, welcoming new members and maintaining a register of club members, which will include their postal and email addresses.

i) Up to 3 other members who may be allocated special responsibilities as determined by the Chairman.

4.2 Five committee members will constitute a quorum

4.3 Committee meetings will be convened by the chairman at his discretion or on the written request of three committee members.

4.4 The President will hold office for five years and may stand for re-election at that time for an additional year, up to a maximum of six years in total. The President will be appointed from nominations made to the club by the committee and elected by club members at a general meeting. To be nominated for President the nominee must have served as a committee member and been a club member for five years. Nominations for President may be made to the committee by any club member and elected by club members at a general meeting. In the event of a tie the retiring president will have a casting vote.

Other officers of the club shall hold office from one annual general meeting to the next. They may be re-elected but may not serve in any capacity for more than three consecutive years, unless the President, with the agreement of other members of the committee recommends that they should and this recommendation is endorsed at the annual general meeting. The President and committee shall have the right to co-opt a member onto the committee when necessary.


5.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held on a date as determined by the Committee.

5.2 Extra-ordinary general meetings shall be called by the committee or on the written request of any five members of the club.

5.3 Notice of any general meeting and the details of the agenda shall be given by written notice dispatched to each member by email at least two weeks beforehand and by announcement at three previous ordinary club meetings.

5.4 Every member present shall have one vote, but any member not present may vote by proxy. An intention to vote by proxy must be sent to the Secretary and arrive at least 7 days before the meeting. Five ordinary members must be present to constitute a quorum.

6.         RULES

6.1 The Dorking Camera Club General Rules may only be amended at the annual general meeting of the club. A copy of the rules shall be displayed on the club’s web site and on the notice board.

  7.       ACCOUNTS

7.1 The accounts shall be presented at the Annual General meeting for acceptance, having previously been audited by one or more club members, not being members of the committee.


8.1 Internal competitions shall be open to members, and shall be judged in accordance with the competition rules, published separately.

8.2 Rules for internal competitions will be produced by the committee and will be published separately.


9.1 The committee shall make the decision to enter an exhibition or external competition.

9.2 Selection of images for an external exhibition or competition shall be made by a panel of five members nominated by the club at an annual general meeting. A minimum of three members will be required at any panel meeting with the competition secretary attending as a non voting member, unless separately elected as a panel member. The selection panel shall select a spokesperson for the year to communicate with the club’s wider membership.

9.3 The club shall have first call on all material entered for a competition or exhibition until that competition or exhibition is concluded.


10.1 A resolution to merge the club with a similar club or society may only be put to an extra-ordinary general meeting called for the purpose and shall require the consent of not less than two thirds of the paid up membership of the club on the day of the meeting. A merger may only take place with a club or society which prohibits the distribution of its income and property among its members. On dissolution of the club any funds remaining after the realisation of assets and discharge of all liabilities shall be made over to a purpose agreed by resolution of the extra-ordinary general meeting.

 11.      CONCLUSION

11.1 Membership of the club implies acceptance of the rules.

Rules last amended at September 2020 AGM