All meetings are in the Hall unless stated otherwise.
2nd September. Welcome to the new Season. Overview of the new 2024/5 programme and Prize giving.
9th September:TRAINING: Set Subject briefing. 'Street' with Sheena Rogers ARPS, and 'Long Exposure with Richard Milton-Worssell.
16th September: TRAINING: Critique Night 1. NEW Print & PDI with Marcus Scott-Taggart Tandridge Photographic Society
23rd September:MollerPDI Round 1 League Competition by CLASS. Upload TWO images to PDI specifications. OPEN subject. Judge: Eddie Lord of Crawley Down Camera Club
30th September: PRESENTATION:Some Iconic Photographs of the 20th Century . . . and how understanding why they’re iconic will help your photography”. Paul Graber ARPS of Guildford Photographic Society
7th October:TatePrint Round 1 League Competition by CLASS. Upload your entries and bring up to two mounted images on the evening. OPEN SUBJECT. Judge: Tim Morland ARPS of Kingston Camera Club
14th October: TRAINING: ZOOM at home. Set subject briefing 'Flowers'. Creative Flower and Garden Photography by Molly Hollman
21st October: TRAINING: "Introduction to Photography - How to see & take & process pictures" by Andrew Webster ARPS
28th October:TRAINING: Membership Survey Results and Discussion Topic tables and groups. Any questions from the previous week.
2nd November: EXTERNAL COMPETITON SPA Individual Print & PDI Details will be emailed.
4th November: Special Print Panel Competition (by CLASS) - Set subject - 'STREET' Judge: Graham Mansfield of Guildford Photographic Society
4th November: EXTERNAL COMPETITION. The Concorde Trophy. Details will be emailed.
11th November: PRESENTATION: 'Fifty Shades of Black' - exploring darkness and desaturation in photography.
by Bob Webzell ARPS EFIAP
18th November: PRESENTATION: with audience participation. “A lucky photographer” to share ideas of what and where to try to take sport images with a little bit
of know how.
Led by Nick Rogers Reigate Photographic Society.
25th November:DENBIESset-up 9.00AM: EVENING: TRAINING: Phone Photography with Bogdan Schiteanu and Richard Knapp LRPS. Followed by Minimalism Architecture with David Balaam
2nd December: PRESENTATION: By Pat Couder CPAGB BPE1 QPSA & Ian Brash CPAGB BPE2 &
Mike Show of Old Coulsdon Camera Club
9th December: Photo on a Phone Competition - Fun competition where you get to have the final vote. Hosted by Paul Beck and Bogdan Schiteanu
16th December:DCC Christmas Dinner. TBA
23rd December: NO MEETING
30th December: NO MEETING
6th January: PRESENTATION BY ZOOM: ‘Play and Possibility’ A talk on creativity and the argument
for playfulness by Anna Morgan
13th January: TRAINING:Critique Night 2. NEW Print & PDI's. Monica Weller FRPS of Bookham Camera Club
20th January: MollerPDI Round 2 League Competition by CLASS. Upload TWO images to PDI specifications. OPEN subject. Judge: Martin Faiers of Carshalton Camera Club
27th January:SPECIAL PDI Competition by CLASS.Set subject 'LONG EXPOSURE' Judge: by Tim Clarke LRPS of Godalming Photographic Club
3rd February: TRAINING: 'How did they do that' by Club members explaining their images
10th February: TatePrint Round 2 League Competition by CLASS. Upload your entries and bring up to two mounted images on the evening. OPEN SUBJECT. Judge: Graeme Wales ARPS CPAGB BPE2* of Kingston Camera Club
17th February: PRESENTATION: “ Rendezvous with nature (general wildlife & nature photography by Saleel Tambe ARPS
24th February: TRAINING:Critique Night 3. NEW Print & PDI's. Eddie Hyde FRPS Bookham Camera Club
3rd March :David Multon Trophy. SET SUBJECT 'Garden Flowers'. JUDGE: Ann Healey FRPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5* of Molesey Photographic Club
10th March: CLUB NIGHT - Margaret Dane LRPS, Celebration Evening led by David Balaam & others
17th March: Moller PDI Round 3 League Competition by CLASS. Upload TWO images to PDI specifications. OPEN subject. JUDGE: Justin Cliffe ARPS of Woking Photographic Society
18th March: EXTERNAL COMPETITION. Surrey Advertiser Rosebowl Competition. Details will be emailed.
24th March: TRAINING: Video evening Led by Derek Forss
31st March: Inter Club Competition. At Reigate's Hall. DCC vs Reigate 'Enjoy a PDI'. JUDGE: Chris Dixon ARPS of Horndean Camera Club
7th April:Tate Print Round 3 League Competition by CLASS. Upload your entries and bring up to two mounted images on the evening. Judge: Paul Waller ARPS of Kingston
14th April :PRESENTATION: Looking Beyond A Single Image by Vanda Ralevska
21st April: NO MEETING
The annual print
competition has been replaced by a new print competition designed to encourage
new work. Entries are an OPEN category, and will be for one colour and one mono
print, NOT two of each.
JUDGE: Rob Bonfield of Woking Photographic Society
10th May: EXTERNAL COMPETITION: SPA Inter-Club PDI Competition Details will be emailed.
12th May: PRESENTATION: MACRO by Bob Ede
19th May:NEW PDI COMPETITION - TWO FROM FOUR by CLASS. The judge for this competition will select four ‘set-subjects’, of which TWO can be entered – one of each.
The advantage of asking the judge to choose these topics is that they will be wholly familiar with them and therefore the judging will be balanced and focused.
You must enter two images. You must choose two “set subjects”.
The images must not have been entered in any competition at Dorking Camera Club. (Images seen in a critique evening are acceptable)
JUDGE: Simon Street FRPS (10 awards) FIPF of Richmond & Twickenham Photographic Society
26th May: NO MEETING
2nd June: A.G.M. 8.00pm St Joseph's Hall. Please do attend the AGM. It is important you have a say about the club and to hear any new proposals being put forward.
9th June: Summer Awards & Supper and the start of our 75th Anniversary Celebrations