Winner receives:

CLUB Class:  Lady Pollock Trophy

ADVANCED Class:  Sir George Pollack Trophy

TWO FROM FOUR  by CLASS.  The judge for this competition will select four ‘set-subjects’, of which TWO can be entered – one of each.

The advantage of asking the judge to choose these topics is that they will be wholly familiar with them and therefore the judging will be balanced and focused.  The four subjects will be announced at the first club meeting of the season.   JUDGE: Simon Street FRPS (10 awards) FIPF of Richmond & Twickenham Photographic Society

The Judge will decide a winner and a runner-up and may also recommend the award of up to three Highly Commended Certificates.

Each image, up to TWO, are to be uploaded via the PhotoEntry system. You will have been sent details of how to log-on to this system when you joined the club. If you need further assistance contact Martin Melesi,

The specification for each image in a PDI format must be processed and saved as follows;

*Maximum width 1600px. Maximum height 1200px Maximum square 1200px x 1200px

*It is usual, but not compulsory, to have a 1px or 2px Keyline around the image to allow the image to be viewed sympathetically on the screen.

*Save all images in sRGB profile.

The image name will be the title you enter into the Uploader.

*Further information on how to achieve these setting can be found under ‘Resources’