On the subject of producing compliant images for PDI
competitions, I've created a couple of Photoshop actions that
will convert the image to SRGB; resize it to the correct dimensions; and put a
2 pixel white border around it.
If you use windows, right-click on the action and at the
bottom you will see properties.
Click on that, and you will be taken to the General tab.
About a quarter of the way down on the left is a title
called "opens with" and on the right is a button which says
"change". Click on that button and click on Photoshop.
The action is now associated with Photoshop.
Double-click on the action, and it will open photoshop and
install the action.
Alternatively, place the action in this folder –
Photoshop [Version]\Presets\Actions. If you're on a Mac it's - /Users/[YourUsername]/Library/Application
Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [Version]/Presets/Action.
Save these files (1) and this file (2) on a desktop file, or add to the
Adobe Photoshop Action folder as described above.