· Only images taken on a mobile phone or tablet can be entered.
· TWO images per member
· The images taken on a phone cannot be processed or edited.
1. Rule Change regarding Photo on a Phone Competition:
It was agreed that the below Rule change will apply from 2023/24:
The image, must not have been used in any DCC competition before, must have been taken on a phone or tablet, and may be processed on a phone, tablet, or computer.
2. You can add a keyline, straighten, crop and resize to PDI requirements. No further processing enhancement will be allowed.
· Resize the image to within 1600 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high.
· The images must not have been previously entered in any DCC or other competitions.
· The images will be reviewed by two members of the club, and comments made.
· It will then be up to all members attending to decide if the image is to be held back, this will be done by raising your hand. We will record this.
· Those images that are help back will be voted on and the one receiving the most votes will win. Members may vote multiple times. 2nd and 3rd will be via the same count.
Winner – The Solitaire Cup
Runner-up and Highly Commended: Certificate