Here you will find informative information on how best to prepare for all forthcoming competitions for 2023/24


22nd April 2024

Winner receives:

CLUB Class:  The Derek Gardner Trophy

ADVANCED Class: The Print Shield

This competition provides an opportunity for members to display their best work. Any print is eligible even if already shown in the Print league competitions with the sole proviso that it has not been entered for the Annual Print in previous years. Club class members compete with Advanced members on an equal footing. It is divided into two sections – Colour and Monochrome/Black-and-White.
The Judge will decide a winner and a runner-up in each section and may also award two or three Highly Commended.

 The print mount-board specifications are for the same as the Tate completions.

Mount-boards can be purchased ‘pre-cut’ to a specific aperture, or you can purchase mount-boards ready to be cut using the correct tools.

The club will hold tuition evenings on how to prepare a printed image to be mounted for these competitions.

If you require any further guidance please contact any member of the committee or speak to your ‘mentor’ if you have requested one.

Each image are to be uploaded via the PhotoEntry system. You will have been sent details of how to log-on to this system when you joined the club. If you need further assistance contact Martin Melesi,

The image name of the print will be the title you enter into the Uploader.